Monthly Archives: July 2012

I did it all for LOVE….



….Locks of love, that is!


I finally got my hair cut today.  I have been wanting to cut it so much I was dreaming about it.  Some of my friends thought I was NUTS!!!  Some of them thought it was great.  I just knew it was the right thing to do.  Why?  It was just time to let go.  I had been growing my hair for the last four years and have been waiting for the time to let go.


My Sister gave me, on my 40th Birthday a picture frame filled with pictures of me from a little girl to a grown woman.  I loved that frame and appreciated the beautiful effort. ( I say loved because it was destroyed in the aftermath that sometimes my youngest Son leaves behind)


Anyway, in that frame, I noticed how pretty my hair looked when it was longer.  I had my hair very short at the time and did not have any plans to grow it out.  Having short hair was much too easy, I thought at the time.  Looking at that frame, though, made me think it was time for a change; so I grew my hair.


My hair got so long that I thought it would be nice to donate it, but it had to be the right length.  I did not want my hair to be too short!  I still wanted to put it up in a pony tail for running or working out…


Recently, my hair was in a pony tail and my head began to ache.  My hair was just too heavy. It was time……  Here is a v-log discussion about whether or not to cut it with my Girl from Maine, Juanita Waterman. Check it out:

During the video, I mentioned some reasons why it was important to let go.  I think one of the most important reasons is the freedom that it brings.  When you have something that is pulling you down, you need to let that thing go and it will, in exchange, give you a freedom that you were not allowed to have before.  Take for example, a “friend” in your life that you could do with out.  When you are with that toxic friend, do you feel good about life? No, never. Life is too short to hang onto things that you do not need.  Now, for me, it is physical things that I need to let go of.  I just get over whelmed by the time and how quickly it passes.  I feel that purging will take just too much time.  I have to remember my Fly Lady training where you do something everyday for just 15 minutes and move along to the next thing.  I wish I had more gumption to be more disciplined to do that every day.  Maybe I should write that one down!!   I know! I need to let that feeling go and JUST DO IT!


I did and it feels so good!  Here is the video proof with my Hair Master, Stacey M!!


Here is the before:





And the After:

I had Stacey blow dry it straight, since I won’t take the time to do it myself.  I will go back to my curly look as soon as I wash it again, so it will probably go back to looking like this:



What do you think?  Leave your comments below! 🙂
Loudly yours,



It Works! It really works!


 I want to share something that has changed my life for the better.

My Cousin Irene,  posted back in May, the following message on Facebook:


Of course when I saw this post, I instantly messaged her!

“What the heck did you or are you doing?!?”

Her answer is was: “I went to my friend’s house and she
applied a wrap to my abdomen. It smells like eucalyptus
and give you a warm/cool sensation. You keep it on for
45 min to an hour. There is a lotion that is absorbed into
your body that works to detoxify you. You will get your
max results in 72 hours but you must drink half your body
weight in water ozs each day to flush the toxins.
The results last 4-6 months depending on how you eat and
exercise. There are also a bunch of other products as well.
I like it so far. I may become a distributor.”

I could hardly believe what I was reading!  I HAD to try it!

After having 7 children, I was far from in love with my belly and always wanted to have it fixed, but was afraid of the surgery and did not want to incur the costs involved.

As soon as Irene got a wrap in her hands, she hurried over and let me try it. 

I got that baby on my body in no time flat! We pre-measured, took pictures and slapped that wrap on me!  We waited for 45 minutes, looked at some of the other products and “ding!” the time was up!  I was so excited as I un-wrapped!!  The measurements were not as stellar as I thought they would be, but I did lose a 1/2 inch.  I was bummed at first, but as the day passed, I did see a bigger difference!  I kept my promise to drink half mybody weight (in oz) of water and try to keep my diet as clean as possible…and wah laa!  

5 inches lost in 3 sections across my belly!

I was hooked and joined as a distributor.  In the days since I have joined,I have been more and more encouraged by the results I am seeing personally and by my clients. The ingredients are all natural and leading edge in theircombination.  I am happy to be representing this company alongside my Gold and Silver Buying Business.


As a thank you, if you choose to share this wonderful product with 4 of your friends, you may wrap for free!  If you rather wrap alone, you may for only $30! 

It has been and continues to be a great source of hope for women and men as they are given a new start.


For more information, please check out my company website at:


I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Alicia Bozza

VP Gold Buying Division

Executive, It Works Global

Five Question Friday 7/13/12


1. What’s your view on men wearing sandals (yay or nay)?

I think men wearing sandals is fine, just without socks. 


2. What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit?

One thing by One Direction.  It’s just so catchy!  I know…just….whatever….


3. What summer camp should they make for moms? 

Spa camp with daycare.  Eat the perfect food, do the perfect exercises, have the perfect body.  Yeah…I’d go to that.


4. What is the most romantic song? (Not necessarily your favorite or your wedding song…)

When a Man Loves A Woman by Bryan Adams….I could just float away on that song……<sigh>

5. Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story?

I played music to my babies before they were born.  Every single one of them.  I liked to have the same music playing for them when they were born if I could.  At the birth of my last baby, I had this new fangled device that held mp3s along with a speaker, kind of like a little radio. I brought that along with us when I went to the hospital.  While I was pushing her out, the music suddenly changed to this song I had never heard before. It was twangy, if you know what I mean.  (I am not a huge fan of Country music….I respect it and like some, but not all) In the middle of all my classical, Baroque music, here was this odd, “one of these things is not like the other” song.  The name of the song? Honeycomb.  “Ugh! change that awful song!” I yelled to my hubby.  So, he did.  Ah…back to my Baroque……”HONEYCOMB! WON’T YOU BE MY BABY, HONEY COMB BE MY OWWWWNNN!” “WHAT?!? You have got to be kidding me! Get that off! I don’t want to have my baby born to THAT song!” So hubby obliged, once again.  Back to Baroque…..not for long!  “OH HONEYCOMB!!!! WON’T YOU BE MY BABY, HONEY COMB BE MY OWN!!”  Get out of town? Are you serious?  “Ugh, just leave it!!!!” I said….and she was born on a sunny August morn to the Honeycomb song. It was just meant to be.  Later on, I came to find out that the song is about God’s creation of woman.  God was teasing me and letting me know He was in control and not me.  (When will I ever learn?) 🙂



Loudly yours,


Vacation musings in Lavalette

The one thing I cherish most at the beach, besides making memories with my family, is the sunrise walks I take alone in the morning.  It is the most rejuvenating thing I do every day I can when I am on vacation. 

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I hate sand, but I sure love to look at it and it makes for a great back drop to the sunrise every morning. 

One of my favorite places to go is the Lavalette Boardwalk.  It is just a peaceful oasis for me.  I get to run, it’s flat, the people are so very nice there and the view is just beautiful.

Spending time at the boardwalk allows me to take the time to think, review the past year, create goals, thank God for his Mercy and Blessings, let go of anything useless to my life.  It is a cleansing of sorts, sweat out through running and the heat of the sun on my face. 

This year, I was focusing on one day having a house of my own in Lavalette, when a band of fireflies joined me in my celebration run. It was so cool to have them flying overhead, almost as if in agreeance with me that I did, indeed belong to the community already.  

I know they are hard to see, but they are there if you look closely!

So I went with the idea (sounded good to me) that I did already have a house in Lavalette.  How would I act to those around me? How would it feel?  

It felt free. It felt fun.  How would I act if I lived there?  I would want to make those living there and visiting there feel welcome and want to come back again or stay longer.  So I pretended. It was fun. “Good Morning!” I chanted to anyone who would listen.   Most chimed right in… “morning!”  They would say as we passed going one way.  “Have a great day!” I would recant as they passed me once again.  It was a joy.  At best, it was great practice to be a future resident of Lavalette.  At worst, it made for a happy run. Either way, I came out a winner.

Loudly yours,



Five Question Friday 7/6/12

1. Is love at 1st sight possible?

I think it is possible, but seeing and living are 2 different things. You could love what you see, but not what you’d would have to live with. I think there are cases where, yes, it might happen, like finding a soul mate, but I think it is not very often.

2. How did you choose your pet’s name?
I have four birds. Nessa, Sam, Luke, and Bruiser. Nessa was named for the disabled witch from Wicked since I love that show and she was the smallest, Sam since we were not sure if he was a boy or girl (still really don’t know) Luke, short for Alucard, (Dracula backwards…named by my 2nd Son) and Bruiser since we found him through my neighbor, who spotted him in a tree! He was the biggest, hence Bruiser, (also the name if the dog from one of my favorite movies, Legally Blonde)

3. What are you considering giving up (cable, home phone)?

We have considered the cable, but since it is bundled with the phone and the computer, it would be kind of hard to give up!

4. How much do you pay your babysitter?

I thankfully do not have to pay one often, but when I do, it is usually based per hour, per child, rounded up, depending on the age. The older the sitter, the more $$. So if a 15 yr old is sitting with 3 children, I would pay them $5 per kid, per hour. So for 2 hrs, $30.

5. How “young” is old enough to babysit?

Depends on the maturity of the sitter and age.

3 things I am grateful for this week….
Nice weather on vacation
Good Family Memories
Alone time with sunrises and morning runs on the Lavalette boards