Monthly Archives: March 2014

Living the GOOD life!

WHAT is the good life? 

I choose to believe that the good life is what you make of it. Do you have to be filthy rich to have the good life? Only if you believe that to be true. YOU can have the good life. Right now. Right here. CHOOSE. How? You might ask…. look around you right now. Choose to know the blessings that are around you, with you right now. Be grateful for what you have, NOW.  It is in that gratefulness that new opportunities will be opened to you. As you open yourself to the gifts that are around you and appreciate their value, you will be amazed at how you will be better for it. 

I had the awesome pleasure of being in the presence of great women at my Networking Event. Our presenter, Stephanie D Burroughs, was amazing and spoke beautifully as well as powerfully. She spoke so many amazing truths, you could write a book!  Her points were key to living the good life no matter who you are or where you are. Specifically, as a business woman, she spoke of branding yourself as YOU, no matter what your business is and that is something you could take into any area of your life. Live life on purpose, deliberately!  Be the representative of YOU! This is part of living YOUR good life. 

Everyone’s good life is different. It’s ok to be happy with your life, even if it looks completely different from what everyone else thinks the good life really is.   

Here are some other nuggets from last night.

The key to the good life is to be true to who you are, living the life that has been designed specifically for you, using your gifts and talents to make a true difference in the world. No one else can live the life that is meant for you. So live on purpose and with a grateful heart. 

Loudly yours,


Starting Over…

Starting over can be a scary thing. It puts you on a level playing field with many others who
are starting over, just like you. Why would a person want to start over? The reasons can be
endless. There is one thing that I DO believe. It is NEVER too late to start.
I came across this post yesterday about famous people’s rejection letters from the site:
Mental Floss

These are rejections from SUPER famous, SUPER talented people!  Did they start over?
Sure they did! Did they crawl up in a ball in cry? Maybe, but the most important thing
they did was to get back up again and GO FORWARD! They did not allow the opinion
(albeit professional) get in the way of their vision to succeed! NOTHING stopped them.
They had a clear enough vision that they saw the clear picture and plowed on. This is the kind
of story that inspires me to keep going forward with my endeavors, with my vision, my
dream. Take heart and read the rejections letters and know that YOUR dream CAN come true.

Loudly yours,



Do you have new thoughts??

I really like to fill my head with as many good things as I can, good music,
good speeches, lots of personal development, too.

I want to be the best person I can be. I believe that what you put in, you get out.
Just like with food, what you feed your brain is
just as important!   My very good
friend, Colleen, (hey lady!) posted this yesterday and I cannot agree more! 
I am SO lucky to
have quality friends, too!

Back to my original question…do you have any new thoughts?  Do thoughts
just come to you or are they inspired?  I know one thing for sure. You cannot
think new thoughts if you are listening to the Chatterbox inside your head.

Silence or meditaion is a must to hear that still, small voice which shares an
unending supply of inspiration…at the least, you must turn off the
chatterbox. Usually, that is found when you reach out to others and
look beyond your own self. I have been inspired countless numbers of
times when I have been with my children. I usually will receieve some
sort of message when I am giving of myself to them. Giving in general
will always yeild some kind of fruit that allows you to be “fed” in one
way or another.  Funnny, another wise friend comes to mind, who posted
this on facebook today.

Right on, friend! You are so correct!!!

As if I did not have my fill today, I won the opportunity to speak with yet another
wise friend, Deb Wilbur, who has a business called. Real Life Spark
Deb is a Professional Intuitive Coach; make sure to check her site out. She is
wealth of information and delivers her message in a kind, effective manner.

Deb suggested to me to use prayer as a means of meditaion to find answers.
ASK the questions.
PRAY the prayer
(The Our Father is known to have a high vibration & allows one to enter a meditative state)
LISTEN for the answer.

Wow. What a perfect resolution to my entry today.  High five!

Loudly yours,






Life just gets busy!! :)

Life gets busy….

I had the pleasure of attending my niece’s play this weekend, The Wizard Of Oz. She was Glinda, the Good Witch.  Of course I loved her. She did such a great job. It was amazing how this middle school production was even better than some HS plays I have attended. It is remarkable to see the culmination of all the hard work of SO many people. A collaboration and labor of love on the part of the adults running the show, to the 172 kids who were part of the production!!! One Hundred Seventy TWO!!!  Crazy! The wonderful orchestra, stage crew, light people, ticket takers…the list goes on and on. Even down to the audience, who needed to also play their part by attending. It is an awesome creation….all of these people a part of the “team”…all playing their part to make the show a success!  Let’s not forget the businesses, parents, grandparents and even friends who helped to put the program together with ads and shout out pages. It had to be in the hundreds, if not a thousand who took part in the creation of such a beautiful thing.  Thank God for the beauty that arose out of the effort of so many. It was truly a beautiful thing. “It takes GRIT!” was a quote from TWOO, apropos to describe this production and for all those involved in its creation! Bottom line, GET out there and GO to a local High School play! Support the arts! You will be glad you did!

Loudly yours,







